File spoon-archives/bataille.archive/bataille_2000/bataille.0003, message 17

Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 01:04:28 -0500
From: Daniel Carter <>
Subject: Re: The Soft Parade

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:26:06 EST, Faizi wrote:

>>  Was there supposed to be anyone here... I'd love if there were...
>There used to be one or two.
>Vanquished now.
>I have been away for several months.  I think that, on this list, one leaves
>with no expectation of returning.  Yet, one returns.  Edward is here -- more
>or less.  He is an excellent writer.
>Daniel Carter is here.  I don't think that Daniel ever leaves.  He just
>ventures out once in a while -- unfortunately.
>Last time I was here, there was someone named John who lived in Canada.  I
>hated his guts, of course, and for very good reason.
>Whatever became of Ariosto?  Did he, alas, become the intellectual puppet
>that he longed to become; that he strived to become, despite the marijuana
>and the longing for the one perfect woman or, rather because of the marijuana
>and the longing for the one perfect woman?
>He gave up the love of the dance for Heidegger.  Such a waste; such a tragedy.
>The last time that I was here, I brought along two denizens of Genius.  That
>was a debacle.
>I will stop for now.  I have terminal mononucleosis and not much stamina.
>If I get any inspiration, I will, most certainly, pass it along.

breeze wrote unbound aloft parody ease wrote sound sentences wrongingly a
harsh judge torn apart from literal victory in the air fused to be letters
undone words gone away now returned severed time units to assist counting
was not to be found near here nor found precisely here vacated contrast
vast fear of impulse imagined surprise return there was no hope nor desire
went to far in its assumption having only guessed one vines oneself
acknowledging reincarnation of swords compare cloudshadow darkness in the
heart of madness disconnect through distraction ploy put into play along
the way until no longer needed imply the everpresent swamp jumped the curb
curious as to out where and in what way beyond precincts or upon page
therein(?) vented tours got loose from the farm fiery feelings thoughts
insights incite inflame ignite with ghostly certainty turned pale the waves
onset disarming enslavement to a few formulaic responses to a
full-spectrummed offering thus attenuated range steps limp and numb dimly
felt approach to death with an ongoing heartbeat tour through the simulated
permutations of corridors florescence floor essence escaped the picture
leaving groundlessnessessences to flourish for decades in the dark a tiny
little nightlight flightpath to the pathloom associates unappreciated
claims went all but unnoticed nothings sweet used t' be's ceased for the
moment to breathe away from here swearing it's approaching the final hour
hype could not promise nor verify any such quillness on the lookout for
Spiral Breath come in please please commend



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