File spoon-archives/baudrillard.archive/baudrillard_1996/96-11-27.192, message 139

Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 23:06:42 -0500
Subject: Notes on Chance

this is the best i could do leaning on my elbow in the dark. if anybody 
has video or audio please contact me. i would love a dub.
________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _  _  _  _ 
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	exponential effects
	self hatred
	hatred of the world-
		dirision, negation of transcendance
	self-conscious revelation of ourselves as monsters

Absence of Destiny:
	we must be fatal to ourselves
	the lone individual has to invent adversity

(something mumbled about sexual harrassment. z.)

	nostalgia for extremes, i.e. JGBallard's "Crash"
	identity into fractal
	an event is no longer true or false, but determined in "octaves".
An imaginary line separating the past from the future that we call the 
present. Like the line on the Continental Divide on each side of which 
water will flow either to the Atlantic or the Pacific. Imaginary line of 
the will.

Real world splits at crossroads, like in the life or death situation of a 

"The virtual dead man that I am."

We must rediscover a shared destiny. (!!)

"The being is a chain of forms"

Nothing is fundamentally different in our culture, but the paradox is 
that we think otherwise.

(he told a story of someone in an earthquake in Russia for which the 
punchline constantly disintegrated into french induced static...) "the 
tile falling from the roof is not enough to ... "(to what? did anybody 
catch this? he repeated it several times.)

We prefer effects, even speacial effects,than the logic of causality.

The player pretends to abolish chance.

Everything is secret intention. There is no more voluntary or accident.

john z


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