File spoon-archives/baudrillard.archive/baudrillard_1996/96-11-27.192, message 160

Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 22:21:43 +0000
From: Ian Robert Douglas <>
Subject: Re: Play

I'd like to second the comments made by Joshua, only to add that
'erudition' need not be dull.  The reason why a thinker like
Baudrillard is so playful (and a long line of irreverent thinkers
lies before him), is because the issues he is turning the whole
of his being, his mind and energy toward, are the most *serious*
to face human culture.  So let's play, but remember the point of
playing.  Baudrillard always seemed to me to be 'playing' out of
a sense of desperation .. desparation that is at once hope.


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