File spoon-archives/baudrillard.archive/baudrillard_1996/96-11-27.192, message 163

Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 07:07:03 +1200
From: wilton rodger <>
Subject: Playway

Alan wrote:
So let's try to disseminate the ideas more, to re-reformulate them in 
our own
words, or, to express our own ideas or art which happen to be influenced 
by B.
or others. Let's not write in that academic tone "Foucault says this, 
says that, Haraway says that..." 

I agree with Alan.If  we make  the distinction between studying the idea
and  studying the academically-created"studies in...Theory/"..   
A  problem  I  have  with lists  is that   academic  culture discusses  
within the boundaries  of the professional lexicon;and immediately I  am  
embroiled in another theme park,the  University of Utah,Disneyland's 
Dept of Twisted  Mirrors(courtesy of  the Education Engine)..

I don't know About JB being a great writer.Heidgger was not  Hemingway.
Who  has  the time,when the  meter  is  running  in  the  carpark?

Consider  the  third-order  simulation.

(Studies  in  Baudrillardean Theory 303)
-i.e. Disneyland camouflages  the fact that"real" America (and  any 
International variant  of America-which is  Everywhere)-is itself 
Disneyland.(which is  also Everywhere,looking very much like Nowhere on 
the other  channell)
Simulation is  not  a  question of  the truth/falsity of  signs  like 
Disneyland(or  Baudrillard Theory 303)

The  purpose of the simulation is  to mask the fact  that the  real is  
not  real-to  ensure that the reality principle is  not  threatened.This 
is the alibi of simulation.

Fair  enough,JB.
 Its Rene Descartes - nihilist- Yawnfest on  Channell nine...

Over to  you,Bob.Redsox are going  to  have  to  pick up points
to beat  Witchita  Vortex Sutra United  in  the second  half/..

Wilton Rodger


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