File spoon-archives/baudrillard.archive/baudrillard_1996/96-11-27.192, message 167

Date: Sat, 16 Nov 1996 12:52:42 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Douglas Kellner

Mr Shapiro, to continue the dialogue:
Genosko covers over the extent to which I do engage Baudrillard's
semiotics and it is precisely this aspect of JB that I like, his study of
the life of signs in society, his play with the semiotic imaginary. I was
also one of the first to relate JB to a French literary tradition that
includes Jarry, Bataille, Ionesco, etc and far from thinking that
pataphysics is a regressive aspect of JB I think its one of the strongest
aspects and present the pataphysical element of JB positively-- indeed,
this playful focus guides my study of JB and William Gibson in MEDIA
CULTURE which was just cited on this list.
I think that you have a stereotyped concept of a critical theorist which
you straightjacket me into, just as Mike Gane has a stereotypical concept
of a Marxist which he then projects on me. Read any of my books since 1989
and you'll see that I advocate a multiperspectival social theory that
draws on both critical theory (FS variety) and postmodern theory,
including JB AND that I constantly call for a reconstruction of critical
theory beyond its traditional parameters and limitations...
As for JB's fatal theory, this is not my favorite part of his work though
I think I do enter into and engage this element of his thought in the last
two chapters of my book. Indeed, I would ask you to explicate what
elements of fatal theory you like, what you understand by it, and why you
like it and if this is really the sort of substitute we want for a radical
politics--though I do think we need to rethink politics in the light of
new technologies and other elements of the contemporary moment, some of
which JB so well describes...

Douglas Kellner, Dept of Philosophy, Univ of Texas, Austin, TX 78712  fax: 512 471-4806
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