File spoon-archives/baudrillard.archive/baudrillard_1996/96-11-27.192, message 181

Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 08:39:23 -0800
From: (Adam-HALPID Klyce)
Subject: Re[2]: science fiction


>>  In the essay there are two options offered, one is technics, the other 
>>is "primal ritualism."  To be totally honest, I don't know what the 
>>second means. What's your take?
     I do not claim to know what B. says on this, but I feel, as an artist 
     and a friend of many artists, that "primal ritualism" is about process 
     as opposed to result. There are many artists for whom process is the 
     art, art is the process and the "thing" left over, the artifact, is a 
     The signifigance of any given process is a different matter altogher 
     and some of them are intricately linked to the notion of the result, 
     and things get murky from there - for me, at least....


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