File spoon-archives/baudrillard.archive/baudrillard_1996/96-11-27.192, message 200

From: (Rachel Russell)
Subject: Re: Warhol/sci-fi/turnips/sybil
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 15:03:10 +0000

>>Mark, sorry to push in here on identities (rather than identity) but if you
>>view the world from muliple perspectives then surely you view yourself in
>>the same way, hence multiple identities?
>Why is the multiple identities idea significant? Surely a person can
>consider different perspectives without referring to multiple identities?
>Mark O'Connell

Mark, how do you differentiate between perspectives and identities here?
If we have different perspectives at different times contexts etc on who or
what we are doesn't this suggest multiple identities? If not, then what?
You state 'consider' but are we always that reflective in our use of
different perspectives/selves?

Rachel Russell                          Tel: +44 141-331-3197
Research Student                        Fax: +44 141-331+3439
Dept of Social Sciences
Glasgow CALEDONIAN University           Email:


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