File spoon-archives/baudrillard.archive/baudrillard_1996/96-11-27.192, message 205

Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 13:05:18 -0800 (PST)
From: (Mark O'Connell)
Subject: Re: Warhol, nut or artichoke?

>>How is it that a "system of representations" is not part of the world?
>>Where does the world stop, for you? (serious question, even if it does
>>sound goofy)
>well thats a beautiful image, Mark, a liquid "system of representations"
>lapping up against the shores of the "world".

Do I detect just a bit of sarcasm here????  I never said a word about
water, laps or beaches!!!!
(lifegaurd! That man is splashing me!!)

That's not what I had in mind. I think it's a reasonable question.

> But what i think Julian  is
>arguing is that the system of representation is behind our eyes (and
>nose, mouth and skin and arm pits, and warts, etc.). ......

and that's not part of the world?

>i think the thing here is that people's use of representation was never
>purely aesthetic, but in the past few decades we have been closer than
>ever to living our daily lives on pure aesthetics, meaning bled dry by

Would you say more about what you think about reprsentation/aesthetics?
Sounds interesting.

>in  a repost Julien mentioned the village of Dent artificially (whatever
>that means anymore)

"whatever that means anymore" would be something to talk about.

Mark O'Connell


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