File spoon-archives/baudrillard.archive/baudrillard_1996/96-11-27.192, message 38

Date: Tue, 18 Jun 96 11:11 EDT
From: (dp89)
Subject: re:re:PKD

Here is the citation for Baudrillard's essays on science fiction (in the end
only a brief reference to Philip K. Dick, but a lengthy one to Ballard):

Science Fiction Studies Vol. 18 (1991) pp. 309-320.

I believe Baudrillard's essays were reproduced in the new version of
Simulations and Simulacra put out by Stanford (?).  However, the SFS issue
is interesting on its own because it includes responses to Baudrillard by
Hayles, Porush, Landon, Sobchack and Ballard himself.  As I mentioned before
the issue as a whole was on postmodernism and science fiction.  Two essays
of note are by Scott Bukatman (Terminal Identity) and Roger Luckhurst.

on the issue of Jarry:  Ballard's short piece is the only reference to Jarry
I know of.  Ballard has stated how much of an influence surrealism has been
for him, but the influence is primarily from visual rather than textual
surrealism.  Regarding PKD, I remember that some French pataphysical group
claimed Dick as "insider" on the grounds of UBIK (UBU?).  Dick may be
pataphysical, but I don't know how conscious this is.  (cf. Lawrence Sutin's
biography on PKD--Divine Invasions.) Back to Baudrillard--hmm is he relevant
here?--Ballard and Baudrillard have affinities (Baudrillard has written on
Ballard and Ballard lists America as one of his five favorite books) but the
Baudrillard-PKD connections are more conceptual than linked by correspondence.

"The only truly alien planet is earth"--JGB


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