File spoon-archives/baudrillard.archive/baudrillard_1996/96-11-27.192, message 62

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 13:38:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: B Madonna Durkheim <>
Subject: Re: apocalyptic object

	The subject is only dead in reality because reality itself is 
dead, just as history no longer exists; hyper-really the subject 
functions as the suberb position from which everything else must compare 
itself to.  Obviously, the subject in this domain is more subject than 
subject.  And the very problem with most feminist positions (in 
Baudrillardian terms) seems to be thier need to find the subject posion 
instead of relenquishing that position to the machinations (the fractal 
"power") of capitalist simulacra.  Everything does not operate as an 
object simply because the subject is dead; capitalism is dead as well, 
but it still functions, only it functions according to its models rather 
than to as a reality.  Simulation does not necessarily imply seduction, 
nor does it implications the simulator as an object.  In fact, simulation 
almost precludes seduction; dissimulation is much more an aspect of the 
	We must also remember that just because the subject is dead does 
not mean he has disappeard (wasn't that the problem with Foucault? (Cool 

	If you want to think Baudrillard a sexist, then you completely 
misunderstand his discourse.  JB demonstrates the manner in which the 
feminine inherently resists the phallocracy because it does not use a 
political strategy.  I find it ridiculous to suggest that Baud. is sexist 
simply because he suggests a different strategy (isn't it obvious that 
the old one continues to fail?).



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