File spoon-archives/baudrillard.archive/baudrillard_1996/96-11-27.192, message 94

Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 02:40:28 +0100 (BST)
From: Julian Thomas <>
Subject: re: julian/intro/educ

At 00:00 09/09/96 -0800, you wrote:

Again,  to the owners of this list. Why is every post I send haunting me?


>At 10:04 06/09/96 -0800, you wrote:
>>julian thomas wrote,
>>> educational
>>>programmes/institutions are essentially modernist, with no connection to a
>>>postmodern society.
>>>.....Baudrillard's theory of simulacra seems to solve, for me, a lot of
>>>problems with educational programms.
>>Julian, I'm an educationalist (at least nominally), I'd be very interested
>>to hear a bit more about how you feel 'drill' talks to us about educ... I
>>can see how he might help us describe  a commodified educ system etc ..
>>what about the solving?
>>(maybe any other educationalists who are interested in eg, D 'n' G, might
>>join in also)
>>John Morss
>>ps are u the only baudrillardian in cambridge!!!??? I thought habermas was
>>about as risque as they get there...
>>John R Morss PhD
>>Senior Lecturer, Education Department
>>University of Otago, Box 56, Dunedin
>>tel (0)3-4798809
>>fax (0)3-4798349
>>From: (John Morss)
>>Thinknet BBS -- A new universe of discourse. -- Philosophy and Systems Theory
>>part of DialogNet --  -- myriad thoughtful email lists 
>>DialogNet Homepage is at URL
>>I'll answer the ps first! I'm doing my postgrad research at Exeter
>University, which is much more up to date! I'm working and teaching in
>Cambridge to pay for the postgrad course.
>As far as 'B'and education goes...
>I'm still finding my way, but when I read 'The System of Objects' and 'The
>Perfect Crime', I felt some answers being hinted at to questions I'd been
>asking myself for a while. Schools as social institutions are divorced from
>a postmodern society. They are geared to promoting a dominant ideology and
>fail to reach the cultural/ symbolic action of people in 'everyday' lives.
>(I'm making broad, unsubstantiated claims here, but it is an email!) A
>society which is based on symbolic appropriation, rather than
>transformation, (to quote Harre) is ill served by an education system rooted
>in modernist absolutes. For those of us in arts education, the cultural
>language of youth is in appropriating signs that are divorced from their
>signifiers, and creating identity.
>The 'solving' is the hard part! I've recently been involved in a project
>with a Youth Arts group where the resources we used for a series of
>workshops was material found in newspapers. The 'site ' of the action was
>media dominated, whilst the 'kind' of action was appropriation. This allowed
>the participants to investigate the production of social meaning. (I've
>picked this up at two in the morning, so I'm not too clear!) This, for me ,
>was a way forward.
>I'll pick this up again later!
>Julian Thomas.
>Cambridge UK
>From: (Julian Thomas)
>Thinknet BBS -- A new universe of discourse. -- Philosophy and Systems Theory
>part of DialogNet --  -- myriad thoughtful email lists 
>DialogNet Homepage is at URL
Julian Thomas.
Cambridge UK


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