File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1996/96-05-20.182, message 73

From: (Andrew Hagen, symbolic analyst)
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 96 02:12:07 0600
Subject: Re: technical problems (bhaskar-l*st)

In <199602120926.JAA42328-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU>, on 02/12/96 at
10:31 AM, said:

:I hope no one minds me using the list in this manner, but can anyone
:provide some elaboration on the difference between 'retrodiction' and
:'retroduction' (Collier, p.163)

>From Plato, Etc., page 30. 

Retroduction is "inference to posited explanatory structures, generative
mechanisms, and transfactually efficacious laws."

Retrodiction is "inference *via* these to possible antecedent causes."

And page 259 (the glossary) gives us their context. Transdiction  infers
>from observed phenomena (closed systems) to unobserved phenomena (open
systems). Transdiction "includes induction and transduction, retroduction,
and retrodiction. The transdictive problem complex asks what warrant we
have to believe in these inferences. If you don't respond to the problem
with a rational realism, you must invoke a regressive Tina formation
(skepticism, despair).

Now, my turn, please. In SRHE what is CP?


Andrew Hagen, symbolic analyst, hardline networkologist
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