File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1996/96-12-14.144, message 32

Date: Sun, 10 Nov 1996 00:00:32 -0500 (EST)
From: Ruth Groff <>
Subject: BHA: reading session

Hi all --

I confess that I must go back over the several suggestions for what to read
in the reading session at the conference, but I'm wondering if it's not
worth thinking first for a minute or two whether and if so how we want to
address the distinction, at least, between the natural and the social
sciences.  Especially in terms of the reading and discussion, I think it
might be confusing in a way to lift a discussion of, for example, the
epistemic fallacy, from the context of an argument about the natural
sciences and apply it fast and loose (is that how it's spelled? suddenly it
looks weird) to the social sciences.

Maybe what I mean to say, come to think of it, is that perhaps we should
think about what *issues* we want to discuss, and then pick the readings
which best get at them.

Gotta go.  Sorry so hasty and no response to Tobin, Howard...

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