Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 10:51:37 -0700 (PDT) To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU Subject: Re: BHA: Bhaskar on Adorno At 11:06 AM 8/28/97 -0400, wrote: >I accept the point re ontological realism, but one of the points that I, and >perhaps Ruth to, were driving towards was that the realism/irrealism, >materialism/idealism were binary oppositions or antinomies, that it is one of >the main (cognitive) aims of dialectical analysis to overcome. I think this is utter nonsense. Too much exposure to German idealism, methinks. >Adorno's discussion of subject/object dialectics provides useful point of > comparison, Are you comparing idealism/materialism to subject/object? I thought Lukacs went this route and beyond it. --- from list ---
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