Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 09:46:32 -0700 (PDT) To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU, Subject: Re: BHA: new dialectics and CR At 12:40 PM 8/29/97 -0400, wrote: >(4) yes, i do believe new dialectics, especially Smith, Murray and Postone to >have Marx right. moreover, i am very suspect of critical realists you claim >Marx himself is a critical realist (passively Bhaskar).... And: >The point however, is that like Althusser (beyond his lies), Smith, Murray >and Postone are expert scholars of Marx, and have perhaps understood Marx >philosophical commitments and weaknesses better than anyone. However, it is >a different story to suggest that Marx himself developed the best method to >social science currently available. For this i believe we must rather rely >on modern philosophy of science. Now what is quite interesting is the >similarities between Marx's implicit commitments, explicit comments and >contemporary philosophy of science. But we should still be quite careful on >being too generous toward Marx, this is a tendency of Bhaskar (i think). Before I get physically ill, please explain. --- from list ---
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