Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 15:44:40 +0900 To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU Subject: BHA: Fixed meanings of causality and explanation Louis, I'm afraid I will have to _agree_ with you again. I don't think that the CR versions of causality or explanation are fixed for all time and hadn't originally meant to imply that. I think all our claims to truth are provisional. I agree with Marshall that the CR account is superior to the kind associated with Blalock -- or anyone else's for that matter. Being convinced of that, I would apply the CR accounts of causality and explanation until a different account and the argument behind it cause me to reexamine it all. I'm not usually so agreeable. doug doug porpora dept of psych and sociology drexel university phila pa 19104 USA --- from list ---
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