File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1997/bhaskar.9708, message 20

Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 08:25:31 +0100
To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: Re: BHA: Conference

Hi Gary,

Here is the draft program copied off the web site. I'm afraid these are all
the deatils I have but they should include everything you need. As for the
idea of you doing a talk I would love it, the problem is that noone is
around at present. Folks should be returning shortly and I will try and
canvas opinion. I will let you know ASAP. We do have some people here
working on the The Media in War etc, and Intelligence etc, and i'm sure your
research on Truth in Documentary Films would be of real interest to them.
But as I say they are not around as yet. If it is a matter of putting down
on some forms that you have been invited to speak go ahead. I can always put
something in writing even if it does not work out.


P.S. the web site address for the centre is:

CCR Inaugural Conference
                        Draft Programme
                      The University of Warwick
                           29-31 August 1997

Friday 29 August

Registration from 2.00pm onwards at Roots Reception, Building 25 on the
University of
Warwick Location Plan.

5.00pm First Plenary

Margaret Archer (Warwick) 'Human Being and Being Social'

7-8pm Dinner

Saturday 30 August

7.30-9.00am Breakfast

9.30am Second Plenary

Roy Bhaskar (Oxford) 'The Dialectical Development of Critical Realism'

11.00am Coffee

11.30am Seminars

Andrew Sayer (Lancaster) 'Much Ado about Essentialism'

William Outhwaite (Sussex) 'Social Theory at the Turn of the Century'

Justin Cruickshank (Warwick) 'Reflections on Popper's Realism' and Colm
Allan (Rhodes, South
Africa) 'Transcendental Realism and Truth'

Howard Chodos (Canada) 'Critical Realism, Collective Agency and the Crisis
of Marxism' and
Colin Wight (University of Wales) 'The State in International Relations
Theory: Individuals Writ
Large or Structures within Structures'

Tobin Nellhaus (Portland, USA) 'Communication Structures as Modes of
Production' and Garry
Potter (Essex) 'Breaking the Chain: Meaning and Reality in Non-naturalist
Literary Fiction'

1.00-2.00pm Lunch

2.30pm Third Plenary

Rom Harre (Oxford) 'The Ontological Status of Persons'

4.00pm Tea

4.30pm Seminars

Caroline New (Bath) 'Oppression and Emancipation'

Andrew Collier (Southampton) 'Critical Realism and the Heritage of the

Alan Norrie (London) 'Law's Half-life' and Michael Salter (Lancaster) 'The
Legal Process as a

Bob Fine (Warwick) 'Reification of the Social in the Social Sciences' and
Peter Wagner (Warwick)
'Critical Realism and Historical Socilology'

Bob Carter and Rob Willmott (Warwick) 'Making Realism Work: A
Non-conflationary Approach
to Racism and Gender'

7-8pm Dinner

8.00-10.00pm Bhaskar List Virtual Community Real Social Gathering

Sunday 31 August

7.30-9.00am Breakfast

9.30am Seminars

Kathryn Dean (SOAS) 'The Decentred Subject: A Critical Realist Account'

Tony Lawson, Steve Fleetwood and Steve Pratton (Cambridge) 'Critical Realism
and Economics'

Tim Ingold (Manchester) 'On the Distinction Between Evolution and History'
'Genotype and Culture: Two Obsolete Concepts in the Human Sciences'

Bill Bowring (Essex) 'Realism and Recognition: The Crisis of Human Rights
Universalism and Group
Rights' and Oscar Guardiola-Rivera 'Introducing Critical Legal Realism: New
Legal Theory for a
New Law'

Gary MaClennan (QUT, Australia) 'Truth and the Path to Freedom'

11.00am Coffee

11.30am Seminars

Howard Engelskirchen (Fullerton, USA) 'Absenting Autonomy: Dialectical Notes
on the Binding
Force of Promises'

Ian Parker (Bolton) 'Critical Realism and Social Constructionism in
Psychology' and Carla Willig
(Middlesex) 'What can Realism do for Psychology'

Tim Holt (Warwick) 'An Account of Material Objects in Everyday Life' and
Damian White (Essex)
'Ecology as Grounds or Context for Ethics: Some Considerations of the Social
and Ecological Ethics
of Murray Bookchin'

John Lovering (Cardiff) Title to be Announced

Ulker Seymen (Turkey) 'Crises in Social Sciences: Ontological and
Epistemological Roots'

1.00-2.00pm Lunch

2.30pm Fourth Plenary

Alison Assiter (Luton) 'Realist Feminist Epistemology'

4.00pm Tea

4.30pm Business meeting


  Conference Registration and Standard
  Conference Registration and Superior
  Student Conference Registration and Accommodation:
  Conference Registration non-residential:
  Student Conference Registration non-residential:
  Extra night on 31 August 1997:
                                                =A345 (Includes dinner and
  10% Discount for bookings before 1st March 1997

Conference Enquiries and Registration Forms from:

Roberta Keenan                      Tel: 0171 226 5667
Centre for Critical Realism         Fax: 0171 226 5994
49A Saint Peter's Street            E-mail:
London N1 8JP  



Colin Wight
Department of International Politics
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
SY23 3DA


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