Date: Thu, 07 Aug 1997 08:14:05 -0400 To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU Subject: Re: BHA: Non-experimental science (was "What must the ...") At 07:37 PM 8/6/97, Louis wrote: [snip] >and then show them to be superior. Do you really need to refute Blalock on >general principles, rather than supplying better accounts? Probably a >strategy of both would be best. Well, yes if we're (a) teaching social research methods or (b) debating with (pomo and +ist) colleagues, at a relatively abstract level, about paradigms and methods. BTW, I just finished the final version of a paper, "Can We Talk? Interpretive Planning Theory as Comedy." The paper will be published in the Summer, 1997 issue of _Planning Theory_ as part of a debate about urban regime theory, regulation theory, and neo-pragmatism. Actually, urban regime theory and regulation theory touched off the debate, but the focus of this issue really is between interpretive planning theory and neo-pragmatism on one side and political economy and critical realism on the other. If the Editor says it's OK, I could send copies of my paper to anyone who's interested. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Marshall Feldman, Associate Professor Graduate Curriculum in Community Planning and Area Development 401/874-5953 The University of Rhode Island 401/874-5511 (FAX) 94 West Alumni Avenue, Suite 1; Kingston, RI 02881-0806 --- from list ---
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