File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1997/bhaskar.9708, message 28

Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 23:19:17
To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: Re: BHA: Kinds of Realism Quote


This quote from "Plato, Etc." at p. 48 is fairly close: "... irealist
philosophies merely tacitly secrete the (normally inherited) ontology their
epistemology presupposes.  The question is not *whether* to be a realist,
but *what sort of realist* to be ..."

I recall RB making a similar statement in another work, but I was unable to
locate the passage, however RTS discusses implicit ontology and implicit
realism at pp. 40ff.

Hope this helps.

Louis Irwin

At 07:21 AM 8/10/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Can someone help me.  Somewhere (in RTS, I think) RB says something like,
>"Of course everyone who thinks has to be a realist today.  The issue is
>what kind of realist to be."  Can anyone direct me to the correct quote?
>Marshall Feldman, Associate Professor		      
>Graduate Curriculum in Community Planning and Area Development	401/874-5953
>The University of Rhode Island					401/874-5511 (FAX)
>94 West Alumni Avenue, Suite 1; Kingston, RI 02881-0806
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