File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1997/bhaskar.9708, message 31

Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 09:58:37 +0100
Subject: Re: BHA: Conference

In message <>, Gary
MacLennan <> writes

Hi Gary

I picked up your email from Gary and can only assume

Hi Gary

After having read your email to Colin I realised you have slipped
through are postal mail outs because we do not have your postal address. 
I will get all the info off express post as soon as you let me have your
postal address. 

>Do you have any information on the conference details such as cost of
>registration etc?

The cost of registration is =A3150 standard and =A3175 superior (room with
ensuite bathroom) 
>If you do could you please forward them to me asap.

As you are a speaker and definitely coming to the conference I will
register you and book your accommodation as soon as you let me know your
preference.  There is quite a lot of information on the CCR webpage
<> which you can access
immediately.  In the meantime if it is possible could you mail your reg.
fees in sterling travellers cheques to the Centre for Critical Realism,
49A Saint Peter's Street, London N1 8JP.

Many apologies for this cock-up, look forward to meeting you at the




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