Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 13:45:32 -0400 (EDT) To: Subject: Re: BHA: Science, theology and witchcraft Dear all I have been re-reading many of the postings on this list and have been struck at how often debates centre upon the ideal of coming an agreement about what is count as a correct understanding of one of RB's paragraphs etc, as distinct from them testing out RB's account against something outside of the intertextual sphere. This has perhaps only a little directly to do with witchcraft, but does it have some analogies to the mofus operandi of discussions in protestant theology? On the subject of the hermeneutics of reading Bhaskar, am I only the only one on this list who has experienced the ambiguity of being more and more impressed with what RB says about a topic that she or he has already worked upon, and less and less impressed with RB's actual interpretative treatment of alternative theorists. The two writers with whom I can cross reference his interpretation re Dialectics with my own are Hegel and Adorno. Getting into the abuses performed on Hegel's texts in Dialectic would amount (at least) to a PhD thesis in its own right; those brief references to Adorno could be more easily countered. A classic example of an unscientifically cavalier reading of Adorno occurs when RB chastigates a quote from Adorno re subjective/objectivity for apparently equivocating rather than immediately adopting a materialist position, when - of course - the whole point of dialectics is to overcome the grip of either/or thinking in dualisms/ As it turns out the very "remedy" which RB offers for Adorno, is rather close to that offered by Adorno in the self-same text which he quotes, i.e., the need to give relative priority to the object in the subject/object dialectic. The lesson here is that Adorno's texts are thenselves far more dialectical than are RB's, the process of thinking towards and coming to a conclusion is demonstrated step by step in the course of the argument - as distinct from simply telling one's reader's the reasons why only one's own approach is uniquely adequate, why it amounts to the first ever adequate formulation of dialectical negation etc etc. Bhaskar writes that dialectics did not start nor end with Hegel, the reply is well yes, nor with RB either, in which case lets forget "fresh starts" in dialectics, and accept that scholarship is conversation to which we at best carry forward only collobratively, partially and without full insight into the very mistakes which we are unable really appreciate at the time. Michael Salter law dept Lancaster Univ UK --- from list ---
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