File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1997/bhaskar.9708, message 48

Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 11:59:33 -0400
To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: Re: BHA: Science, theology and witchcraft

Hi all,

I'm so excited about this discussion!  I had actually decided against 
the Adorno/Bhaskar comparison for the purposes of the dissertation, but 
jeeze... with you guys as my committee, I can practially see the 
chapters!  Hmmm.

I wanted to add one thing.  Michael wrote:
"Adorno's line is that the priority of the object depends upon the 
subject recognising the truth that we can at least imagine the existence 
of an object without the continued presence of a subjectivity to be 
conscious of its presence, but we cannot even imagine a subjectivity 
which is not already `consciousness of an object'."

This, kind of Kantian take of the discussion of the priority, or 
primacy, of the object seems fine to me, but I think I would have ended 
the sentence "...but we cannot even imagine a subjectivity which is not 
already itself an object."  This more from "Subject and Object" than 
from ND.  Michael?

Also, do you have the publisher for *Against Epistemology*?  I haven't 
been able to find it here in Canada.


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