Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 16:29:02 To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU Subject: Re: BHA: Science and witchcraft Hi Rewth, At 11:30 PM 8/14/97 -0400, you wrote: >hi lewis, > >yes. i don't think i disagree with what you've written. (do i >understand you correctly that you've basically re-stated what i said -- >viz., that (a) the argument "from ontology" is only good at the level of >the philosophy of science and (b) that RB has not yet himself given us a >lot to go on, in terms of theorizing what is involved in assessing >competing causal accounts?) > >but the worry about validity criteria seems still to be at large, no? >r. Re (a): Yes. Re (b): No, if the competing causal accounts to be assessed are realism vs. empiricism etc. I think he has given us a lot to go on on that subject, since it is at the heart of all his work, although as previous exchanges showed there is still a lot to be done in the area of extending the theory to social sciences etc. But he does discuss validity criteria in great detail at pp. 70-93 of "Scientific Realism & Human Emancipation". However, if the competing causal accounts to be assessed are science vs. witchcraft, then I think (i) the assessment is an intra-scientific matter, (ii) the dichotomy is therefore a false one, (iii) the grounds for the resolution fall outside the bounds of CR, and rightly so, so it is not a just complaint against RB if he fails to provide the specific intra-scientific tools. Louis --- from list ---
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