Date: Tue, 19 Aug 1997 11:18:22 -0400 To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU Subject: Re: BHA: Science, theology and witchcraft Hi guys, Maybe this is a bit of home-teamism on my own part, but I wanted to say that I looked over the archives of some of the other lists the other day, and one of the things that I was really, really struck with was how basically principled and respectful the discussion is on this list -- at least in the year since I've joined. I'm not sure what makes for the culture of a list, probably some mix of the participants and the material, but I turned off my computer feeling very protective of our conversation here on the Bhaskar list. I do appreciate the feeling that a number of people have had, of being mis-read, misconstrued, misunderstood, misrepresented -- I expressed a version of it myself a few weeks back -- and I would also be happy to benefit from any effort to attain even greater rigour in the discussions than we've got at present. But I found the climate on a few of our fellow lists so unappealing -- I guess I just wanted to put in a plug for the good-faith dialogue which, seemingly against all odds, we've managed more or less to maintain thus far. R. p.s., For what it's worth, as a person who expressed agreement with Michael's original intervention regarding Adorno, my own view is that RB doesn't give enough credit to A (and in at least one place claims to improve upon A. but then essentially re-states A.'s position). What I mean by not giving enough credit is both (1) that for my taste he under-respresents, if I can put it that way, the richness of A.'s thought (i.e., that A.'s thought cannot be `reduced' to the "non-identity" of Bhaskar's 1M) and (2) that there is no recognition that an effort to produce a Marxist, or neo-Marxist, "negative dialectics", itself worked out via an encounter (of some kind) with Hegel -- well, that this was exactly Adorno's project, and so it ought not be done again without a serious acknowledgement of this. (Sorry about the syntax problems here). But you know, I mean, no one's perfect. --- from list ---
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