File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1997/bhaskar.9708, message 79

Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 23:32:40 -0400
To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: Re: BHA: Bhaskar on Adorno 

Hi Colin,

Okay -- this is my last, last, last, last last word!
I asked if my last post made my position any clearer.  You write:

> It is but then I now fail to see what the point of critique is other than a concern with RB's treatment of Adorno.

Yes -- this was indeed my complaint.  Bhaskar does not properly credit 
Adorno, in the range of the ways that I mentioned, and in that one key 
passage in *Dialectic* "amends" Adorno (via a conditional "but") by 
restating Adorno's position -- thereby implicitly suggesting that Adorno 
did not hold the position that Adorno did hold.  (Although I am coming 
to think that this one instance may be just another case of Bhaskar not 
actually being able to state what he means.)

> Anyway, surely the point can't be simply glossed over by saying both Adorno and RB are materialists of some kind. Materialists, much like 
other positions come in all shapes and sizes.

Yes.  That's why I said that this "by itself" is not to say much.  

(And why I tried to point to a few of the differences in the way the 
claim of the `primacy of the object' is worked out by each theorist 

Gotta go!

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