Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 23:57:27 -0400 (EDT) To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU Subject: Re: BHA: RB wins first prize in philosophy competition >"With the last gasp of Romanticism, the quelling of its florid uprising >against the vapid formalism of one strain of the Enlightenment, the dimming >of its yearning for the imagined grandeur of the archaic, and the dashing of >its too sanguine hopes for a revitalized, fulfilled humanity, the horror of >its more lasting, more Gothic legacy has settled in, distributed and diffused >enough, to be sure, that lugubriousness is recognizable only as languor, or >as a certain sardonic laconicism disguising itself in a new sanctification of >the destructive instincts, a new genius for displacing cultural reifications >in the interminable shell game of the analysis of the human psyche, where >nothing remains sacred." > >Speaking of shell games, see if you can figure out the subject of that >sentence. The horror, the horror! > > > --- from list --- --- from list ---
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