Date: Wed, 27 Aug 1997 22:22:54 -0700 (PDT) To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU Subject: BHA: BASIC QUESTION ON READINGS I hate to ask dumb, elementary questions, but what the hell. I have been mostly a passive lurker on this list, and except for one or two rants, I was not moved to pipe up until this Bhaskar/Adorno business came up. That should give some clue as to where my priorities lie. Last week I read Tom Rockmore's IRRATIONALISM and now I'm getting a big kick out of Lukacs' THE DESTRUCTION OF REASON. Though I used to be much more involved in the philosophy of science than I am now, my interests lie more towards the issue of philosophy and the division of labor, the Young Hegelians, Feuerbach, the young Marx, Adorno and the Frankfurt School, Sohn-Rethel and co., the critique of irrationalism and lebensphilosophie, and such matters. Thus this recent discussion of Bhaskar, Adorno, and Heidegger caught my eye. It would seem then, if I gather up the time and courage to tackle Bhaskar, I should be reading the DCR stuff that goes beyond plain vanilla CR. Is that a fair assumption? The critique of positivism and empiricism is not my main priority these days, nor are ontologies for the natural and social sciences; I'm much more interested in the critique of idealism--the shits like Dilthey, Nietzsche, and Heidegger that nurse the monster of postmodernism. In reorganizing my chaotic library, it seems that the Bhaskar books I have are: A REALIST THEORY OF SCIECNE, THE POSSIBILITY OF NATURALISM, SCIENTIFIC REALISM AND HUMAN EMANCIPATION, DIALECTIC: THE PULSE OF FREEDOM, and PLATO, ETC. I also have Andrew Collier's CRITICAL REALISM and I think I have a book by William Outhwaite. Given my interests and my libary, it looks like the Bhaskar texts I ought to prioritize are DIALECTIC and PLATO, ETC. Am I right? Is there something I'm missing elsewhere? Do I need to go out and get texts by Bhaskar I don't have? Hope you all enjoyed Hegel's birthday. --- from list ---
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