Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 11:07:19 +0100 To: Subject: Re: BHA: BASIC QUESTION ON READINGS Hi Ralph, Of course, I have a specific spin on this as you know. But my advice has always been, and I nicked this phrase from Dave Spurret I think (hi Dave), that RTS is a "non-negotiable starting point" for understanding Bhaskar. Also, given that you cite your intertests as: >I'm much more interested in the critique of idealism--the shits like >Dilthey, Nietzsche, and Heidegger that nurse the monster of postmodernism. I'd say RTS and PON are essential reading, since one of the main things i took from these (read in conjunction with Kolakowski's book on positivism) is that the pomos are a lot closer to the positivists than is generally recognised. But maybe start with 'Reclaiming Reality' if you can get a hold of it. Thanks, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Colin Wight Department of International Politics University of Wales, Aberystwyth Aberystwyth SY23 3DA -------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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