Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 04:23:22 -0700 (PDT) To: bhaskar-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU Subject: Re: BHA: new dialectics anyone? Thanks for the clarification. I shall have to study these remarks. But there is one point off the bat I do not understand. At 11:00 AM 8/28/97 GMT, NURSAW wrote: >I would argue that the essential difference between RB and new >dialectics is that the former sees an external relation between >thought and its object (in the sense detailed in Andrew Sayer's >book), hence its 'epistemological relativism' wheras new dialectics >proposes an internal relation of thought and its object. New >dialectics accomodates an isomorphism of thought and reality, wheras >RB does not. Thought internally related to its object? What can this mean? Sounds like idealist nonsense to me. --- from list ---
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