Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 11:05:32 -0400 (EDT) To: Subject: Re: BHA: Bhaskar on Adorno In a message dated 28/08/97 11:43:02 GMT, Alan Norrie writes: << In the debate that has been taking place, I am on Colin's rather than Michael's side. It seems to me that Colin is right to point to the fundamental difference between Bhaskar and Heidegger on the basis of his ontological realism (passage A), but my main feeling is that the discussion would be much more solidly based if it were related to a thorough reading of Dialectic. I feel the Adorno/ Bhaskar debate would make a lot more sense if we had had the opportunity to debate Bhaskar fully first, and then to compare him to Adorno. >> Michael Replies: I accept the point re ontological realism, but one of the points that I, and perhaps Ruth to, were driving towards was that the realism/irrealism, materialism/idealism were binary oppositions or antinomies, that it is one of the main (cognitive) aims of dialectical analysis to overcome. Adorno's discussion of subject/object dialectics provides useful point of comparison, without some such point we lack even the ability to identify what is and is not distinctive about Bhaskar's work on dialectic. If we cannot say in what respects it is distinctive, then how can ever claim to have understood it "first", that is, prior to any process of comparison. To say what Dialectic signifies involves a process of differentiation which, in turn, presupposes a comparative angle. This is one of the reasons why for the conference I have chosen to compare your own critical realist work on the contradictions resultant from legal antinomies, with Adorno's would-be immanent critique of law and equity. Michael --- from list ---
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