Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 15:49:17 +0100 To: Subject: Re: BHA: Bhaskar on Adorno Hi Michael, I'll look forward to debating these issues with you at the conference. I wonder however, if you are saying that you and Ruth (perhaps) view RB as perpetuating the: realism/irrealism, >materialism/idealism were binary oppositions or antinomies, that it is one of >the main (cognitive) aims of dialectical analysis to overcome. ??? To me RB deconstructs the possibilty of irrealism and is at pains to reject the materialism/idealism distinction. He very rarely uses the term materialism to describe his own position and is at pains to point out the reality and causal status of ideas. Indeed, someone in my discipline actually regards himself as a poststructuralist critical realist, and Isaac's is also on record as viewing RB in a very similar manner. Food for thought perhaps, or have I misunderstood your position? Adorno's >discussion of subject/object dialectics provides useful point of comparison, >without some such point we lack even the ability to identify what is and is >not distinctive about Bhaskar's work on dialectic. If we cannot say in what >respects it is distinctive, then how can ever claim to have understood it >"first", that is, prior to any process of comparison. I agree absolutely, but doubt whether I will ever be confident enough to say I Understand 'Dialectic'. Thanks, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Colin Wight Department of International Politics University of Wales, Aberystwyth Aberystwyth SY23 3DA -------------------------------------------------------- --- from list ---
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