File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1998/bhaskar.9801, message 11

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 16:19:11 -0100
Subject: BHA: Past in the present

I joined the list just before xmas under the impression that there was some
shared reading of some of Bhaskars works going on. I can't find anything
on the website to indicate what has happened to this little project.

Is it still going on and if not what happened to the last initiative and would
it be possible to get something going again?

One last question. Are there any other archaeologists signed up to this list,
particularly those who have been looking at some of Bhaskars ideas on 
intersecting and overlapping spaces and times, and the past in the present?
or do people know of others who have been following up these ideas in other
Michael Tierney
Department of Archaeology,
University of Wales, Lampeter,
Ceredigion, Wales, SA48 7ED

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