Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 11:36:13 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re: BHA: Hello? I think, Hans, we should put a slightly different spin on your response to Doug and Michael. The initiative of Gary and the group he works with has been terrific, but it's not up to him to keep the reading going. That's the task of all of us, so that, Doug, if you miss the continuity of the reading, start where we are on either DPF or RTS and give us a post. This goes for everyone. Most of the conversations on the list are spontaneous. These are great and we should not stifle them, but silences are also spontaneous and in the long run are likely to dominate. A regular reading of texts difficult for anyone will sustain us. This means actually reading the text commented upon, not just commenting on someone else's comment. Nobody would run a study group that way. In fact we can make good use of a study group mentality: everyone shows up prepared and has her say, whether with comments or questions. There's not a section of DPF or RTS we've gone over that anyone of us couldn't look at and come up with dozens of questions. Regular reading will generate spontaneous discussions which may take us off anywhere, but we need always to come back to the reading as a matter of gentle, simple discipline. However, except for Alan, there has been little participation in Gary's reading of DPF and even less on RTS. For any of us there is some interest in speaking to the void, but much less than conversational initiatives which generate response. Howard "What is there just now you lack" Hakuin Howard Engelskirchen --- from list ---
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