Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 17:21:24 +1000 Subject: BHA: Truth and Objectivity 3 of 3 This is the third post and if you are still with me this is where I use Critical Realism to solve the objectivity problem. Again I have edited out the political bits. But the full texts of the posts are available on the Electronic Salon. regards Gary Of Politics and Objectivity: Responding to Carl R. Plantinga 1. Introduction I was delighted to be informed by Daniel that Carl R. Plantinga was going to reply to my and Jay Raskin's review of his book, _Rhetoric and Representation in Nonfiction Movies_, However Plantinga did not like my review of his book, tending to see it as a "political diatribe". Admittedly there was political comment in my review but there was also a good deal more philosophy. Ah well, that's all one. "If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen", I say. Now there are two distinct areas of concern - political and theoretical. To be frank I am anxious about pursuing political discussions on a list devoted to film and philosophy, but I trust the moderator will bear with me a little if I reply to the main points that Plantinga has made before plunging into matters philosophical. . . . 3. Philosophy The main point of my review of Plantinga's philosophical arguments was the Critical Realist one, namely that his approach to nonfiction film was severely weakened by his failure to appreciate the necessity for ontological depth. I also argued that he had an inadequate conceptualisation of truth. I attempted to redress both of these shortcomings and that for me was the most important aspect of my review. Plantinga chose however to highlight the area of objectivity. I grant this is very important and of course there has been a tremendous amount written on this problem. I also granted in my review that his discussion of Hall's BIOP(i)C model is very good. Plantinga wonders however if I have read his book thoroughly. He cites in particular pages 29-32 and 212-213. He will have to take my word for it here. Yes I have read them. I am tempted to print out my margin notes but I am afraid that would inflame the situation even further. This is how I read Plantinga's account of objectivity. There would seem to be five alternatives for him. 1. The fly on the wall or the 'from no point of view' approach.(:30) 2. The approach which sees objectivity as totally impossible because we cannot cease being subjects.(:30) 3. Noel Carroll's Wittgensteinian approach where objectivity is a language game that journalists and others play.(:30) 4. An approach where all possible viewpoints are presented. (Not explicitly outlined in the text but strongly inferred in the paragraphs beginning "Concepts such as objectivity..." and "We might also work with relative versions..." (: 212-213). It is stated more explicitly in his rejoinder to my review. (16.3.98)) 5. An approach which recognises that the presentation of all possible viewpoints is impossible and the best that we can hope for is to get as close to this as possible.(: 212-213) Plantinga rejects the first three approaches. He seems though to accept 4. as a definition of objectivity but thinks it cannot be achieved in practice and so he plumps for 5. and calls this approach "relative objectivity". He then indulges in Liberal smugness about the status quo. It would seem to be one of "relative objectivity". This is followed by scare mongering about the alternatives to this paradise of "relative objectivity". This would be a hell, a situation of "discursive total war in which social discourse becomes anarchic, unyielding, unconstrained, and polarised". (: 213) I can scarce control my trembling. Thank God for CNN. To think that for all these years I believed that there had been a discursive war and that the Right had won so totally that they had been able to deny that there was even a struggle. Silly old commie me; you see I thought that it was like Tacitus' description of the conquests of Roman Imperialism:- "They have made a desert and they call it peace." To be serious though, the question is whether there is an alternative approach to objectivity which is neither sceptical and rhetorical (Carroll- 'This is what journos do') or quantitative (Plantinga- 'We have presented three viewpoints on affirmative action and that is better than two.') There is an alternative but to get to it we have to break with Plantinga's approach which he summarises as:- "Objectivity is not the equivalent of the truth; thus it is possible to believe in truth while denying that there can be 'absolutely' objective accounts of it." (Plantinga, 16.3.98) There are very complex influences at work here in Plantinga's position. Firstly I detect what Andrew Outhwaite describes as the neo-Kantian reduction of "ontology to epistemology and both of these ultimately to methodology". (1987 :113) Hence the stress on "viewpoints" i.e. epistemology and the subsequent concern with how these "viewpoints" are presented in a media text i.e. methodology. This inevitably leads to the definition of objectivity in terms of value-neutrality. Whenever the presenter reveals her values she is thought to violate objectivity. For example O'Connor in his discussion of the Murrow program on McCarthy worries whether Murrow should have shown close ups of McCarthy licking his lips or emphasised his maniacal laugh so much. O'Connor, though, is not at all concerned with Murrow's failure to situate McCarthyism within the context of the all out assault on Leftist and Progressive thought that the Truman Administration launched in 1947. (O'Connor, 1987) For Murrow to have done so would of course have required true courage and a break with his beloved US military. There is also, I think, at work, within Plantinga's definition of objectivity as an approach where all possible viewpoints are presented, an element of the "neo-Kantian view of objectivity as intersubjective validity/consensus/ solidarity". (Bhaskar, 1991: 104) This view of objectivity is obviously linked to the consensus model of the truth. Consensus is of course no guarantee of truth but believing it to be so can lead to the anxiety that if one is not presenting all possible viewpoints then a proper consensus is impossible. Moreover those accounts which claim truth can be seen to be disturbing the process of the formation of the desired consensus. Thus it can become distinctly bad form to say that one is right and someone else is wrong. As an alternative to this I would advocate the Critical Realist approach that defines "objectivity in the sense that what is known would be real whether or not it were known; (and) something may be real without appearing at all". (Collier, 1994: 6) An account is objective if it is alethic, that is if it gives us the reasons for things not merely for propositions. Here objectivity is ontological and indeed is seen as the very grounds for the possibility of subjectivity. In other words there could be no subjectivity if there were not an objective world. To put this in another way we have to break with those accounts of objectivity which see it as a matter of style or form or even protocols. We need rather to think of objectivity in terms of content. We should expect that a journalist or film maker will present us with that account which best explains a particular phenomenon. Often media reports entail examining differing accounts or viewpoints. Here some theories of objectivity would seem to suggest that the journalist/filmmaker must not advocate any particular account. I reject this outright. Let me try and work through a very real and pertinent example here. Let us return to the Auschwitz instance. What possible accounts are there of this? I have heard all the following viewpoints advanced:- 1. Auschwitz was a part of the Nazi's attempt to murder the entire Jewish race. 2. It is Jewish propaganda to suggest this. Auschwitz was not a death camp. 3. There were Jews killed in Auschwitz but not nearly as many as is said. Now let me be clear. I know absolutely that Plantinga believes 1. to be the truth. The difference between us however is that I argue that if a film is made about Auschwitz it is objective *only* if it supports 1. and rejects outright accounts 2. and 3. Again let me stress that I am truly convinced that Plantinga would want to endorse what I say here. But his theory will not allow this. Why have I emphasised "only"? Because I believe that objectivity is not a matter of style (methodology), nor a matter of how many viewpoints we can cram into a soundbite (consensus) but rather it is a question of how close we can come to Alethia, the reason for things. In other words objectivity is not an epistemological question only, rather ultimately it is ontological. Here I would like to stress the Bhaskarian point that there are more levels of reality, perhaps always so, to be explored. Thus when we have established 1. as the objective truth, which of course we have, we then have to give an explanation of this and so on. This of course would take us into the recent Finkelstein-Goldhagen controversy. 4. Plantinga's challenges Plantinga ends his rejoinder with four challenges to Jay Raskin and me. I am reluctant to deal with them because it will wind up this reply on a rather negative note, and I am feeling terribly guilty about being so harsh on a book which I think is very valuable and very well written and moreover is one which everyone who has an interest in nonfiction film must read. Ah well. Challenge 1. What is absolute objectivity of the kind you claim would constitute radical media practice? I think I have answered this. Absolute objectivity can only be grounded in a commitment to truth. Challenge 2. How would absolute objectivity be instantiated in a nonfiction film or a television news report? Again I think I have answered this but the temperature is rising again and let us take another specific example. Last night (20.3.98) I broke off writing this and watched yet another satellite item from the US on an Australian news program. It was about the changes to the trade embargo on Cuba. The news presenter claimed that the changes had been made at the Pope's urging. We were given a little background information on the embargoed items and why they had been placed on the list. Among other things there was a ban on the export of medicines. This it seems was, and I speak from memory, imposed "in response to the Cubans' downing of "two American civilian aircraft last year". We then had a cut to a Senator or Congressman who condemned the easing of sanctions as the "rewarding of a dictator." On this note of balance the item concluded. After the news I was unable to return to this response to Plantinga because I kept thinking, very unfairly I know, that this is the kind of news coverage which he regards as "relatively objective" and which he fears so much to lose. It so happens that earlier in the day I had read Peter Schwab's "Cuban Health Care and the U.S. Embargo". He argues that the Cuban health care system "is one of the jewels of the revolution, yet it is handicapped by the fierceness of the embargo and the fury of U.S. enforcement." (Schwab, 1997: 15) I would begin my alternative absolutely objective news item from this point. I would also point out that the so-called civilian aircraft were flown by anti-Castro exiles and that they had repeatedly violated Cuban airspace and that they were shot down within Cuban airspace. I would in my item also seek to approach the truth of American imperialism's brutal attempt to crush the Cuban Revolution. Challenge 3. Do you know of an actual film or television program which instantiates absolute objectivity? (Please let me know because I am dying to see one?") There are a number of points here. This is a non-challenge for me because I give an ontological rather than an epistemological account of objectivity. But let me recommend "Panama Connection" to Plantinga. Also John Pilger's films on Australia are very worth seeing, likewise his reports on Cambodia, East Timor, Nicaragua and Burma. There are others. Thus I admire the objectivity of David Bradbury's great film on Chile _Hasta Cuando?_ and Tom Zubrycki's censored masterpiece on the Australian Labor Movement, _Amongst Equals_. I could go on but let me also tease out and address the underlying positivist motif, which we owe primarily to Popper, namely that if something is not actual it is not real. This would have it that if there is no instance of an "absolutely objective account" then such a thing is impossible. This position is of course totally unable to give an account of change. Contra Popper et al, we need to understand that because Phenomenon A does not exist in actuality at Time X does not mean that there is not a transfactual tendency within reality for Phenomenon A to be produced or to manifest itself at Time Y. Challenge 4. If there *is* no such extant film, may we expect one in the near future? Films which reveal the truth of things, i.e. objective films, do exist. I have cited some above. That we do not see more of them is due to two factors. Firstly the existing balance of forces within the world favour the point of view of the rich and the powerful. Also within the academy and within the arena of documentary theory in particular, there has been a failure to develop the theory which would underlabour for the kind of filmic practice which we so desperately need. Gary MacLennan School of Media & Journalism Queensland University of Technology Brisbane Australia References Bhaskar, R., _Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom_, Blackwell: Oxford,1991 Collier, A., _Critical Realism: An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar's Philosophy_, Verso: London, 1994 MacLennan, G., 'Beyond Rhetoric (and Scepticism): A Critical Realist Perspective on Carl R. Plantinga',_Film-Philosophy: Electronic Salon_, 11 March 1998 O'Connor, J.E., _The Moving Image as Historical Document: Analysing Edward R. Murrow's Report on Senator McCarthy_ in O'Regan, T. & Shoesmith, B. (eds)_History on/and/in Film, History & Film Association of Australia: Perth, 1987: 5-16 Outhwaite, A., _New Philosophies of Social Science: Realism, Hermeneutics and Critical Theory_, MacMillan: London, 1987 Plantinga, C.,_ Rhetoric and Representation in Nonfiction Film_, Cambridge Uni Press: Cambridge, 1997 _____________., _A Naive reply to MacLennan and Raskin'_, Film Philosophy: Electronic Salon_, 16 March 1998 Raskin, J., 'The Friction Over the Fiction of Nonfiction Movies', _Film-Philosophy: Electronic Salon_, 17 September 1997 Schwab, P. _Cuban Health Care and the U.S. Embargo_, Monthly Review v 49, No 6, Nov 1997: 15-26 --- from list ---
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