File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1999/bhaskar.9906, message 1

Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 21:18:37 +0100
Subject: BHA: Review article on Collier, Being and Worth

Hi all,

I want to publish a review article on Andrew Collier's Being and Worth
(Routledge 1999, pp123, 16 pounds 99) in the October issue of *Alethia*
(deadline about September 1st, word length about 5,000). The person I
had in mind has unfortunately just declined owing to other commitments.
Are there any volunteers or suggestions out there? (Please supply an
email address if possible.) It doesn't have to be by a card-carrying CR
- in fact, a progressive non-CR moral philosopher or theologian would
perhaps be preferable. Apart from Bhaskar (in the background), the main
providers of Andrew's intellectual capital are Augustine and Spinoza,
with first John Macmurray and Heidegger and then Luther, C.S. Lewis,
Aquinas, the Ranters, Trotsky and others in lesser roles. It builds on
their insights to argue that 'we do not understand the good for
humankind unless we understand that good is not derivative from
humankind', proposing 'the worth of being as the "intransitive
dimension" of the whole of ethics'. I think it's a really important and
intellectually exciting contribution to CR. I have a review copy to send
to the reviewer.

Mervyn Hartwig
Editor, 'Alethia'
Newsletter of the International Association for Critical Realism
13 Spenser Road
Herne Hill
London SE24 ONS
United Kingdom
Tel: 44 (0)171 737 2892

ALETHIA is the newsletter of the International Association for Critical 
Realism [IACR], established in 1997 in association with the Centre for 
Critical Realism [CCR] to stimulate the discussion, propagation and 
development of critical realism on an international and 
interdisciplinary basis. ALETHIA seeks to promote the aims of the IACR 
by publishing articles, together with book reviews, higher degree 
thesis abstracts and news, on all aspects of critical realism 
as a multidisciplinary and emancipatory/transformative movement. It 
aims to be responsive to the IACR membership and invites feedback. 
Contributions from non-members will be considered.

IACR membership. Yearly membership includes two issues of Alethia 
(published in April and October) and a 10% discount on CCR Conferences 
and fee paying seminars. Yearly standard membership is 25 pounds sterling
or 45 US dollars, yearly student membership 10 pounds or 18 dollars, 
five-yearly founder membership 100 pounds or 180 dollars, yearly 
multi-reader institutional subscription 40 pounds or 65 dollars. 
Gweneth Kell, Secretary, Centre for Critical Realism, Brahmes Hall, 
Wetheringsett, Nr Stowmarket, Suffolk, UK  IP14 5PU.Tel: 01379 678088 
Fax: 01379 678044   Email:

CONTENTS of the current issue of ALETHIA (2:1, April 1999): Andrew 
Collier, About Aboutness (a refutation of idealism); Robert Young, 
Materialism and Race; Margaret Archer, Rachel Sharp, Rob Stones and 
Tony Woodiwiss, On Method (1998 Conference plenary); Mervyn Hartwig 
and Rachel Sharp, The Realist Third Way (review article, Critical 
Realism: Essential Readings); Par Engholm, Why Dialecticization Was 
Necessary (review article, The Possibility of Naturalism).  
Plus Reports on the 1998 Conference; debates on the Bhaskar List; 
the CCR London Seminars (Bhaskar, Collier, Sayer, Ollman, Norrie); 
Critical Realism and the Environment. 

     --- from list ---


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