File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1999/bhaskar.9906, message 17

Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:16:33 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: BHA: the book

> Karl Maton wrote:
> > At the
> > present there is much biological importation within the social sciences
> > (such as this notion of the 'meme'.  Hmmmm).
> Such importation of biology serves only chaos and bad thought, but it
> should be distinguished from recognition of the *results* of biological
> and geological science, particularly the long established facts of the long
> period that intervened between the beginning of life on this planet and the
> first appearance (just a few minutes ago) of biologically modern humans.

I agree with this distinction - there is no necessary correlation between
recontextualising and importing biological theories (often as analogies or
metaphors) and recognising the results of biological science.  Indeed if
anything they may be oppositional.  I mean that those who decontextualise
and then import theories from another field often (though not always) do
so with little regard or respect for their context.  (Compare the pitiful
way in which some educational professors have argued that since
whole-class teaching 'works' in the Far East, then it should be used in
Britain).  Respect or recongition for another discipline requires
recognising the differences between it and one's own.  

With best wishes,


Karl Maton
School of Education, University of Cambridge
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