File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1999/bhaskar.9906, message 21

Subject: BHA: RE: logistics
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 20:09:58 -0700

I started preparing 2.7 some months ago and am anxious to follow up a
thread developed there, but I'll be going off line for an indeterminate
period next week.  I'll be back for sure by Aug. 26, perhaps a month or
6 weeks earlier.  At our present pace, none of this should pose any
problem.  On the other hand I know Ruth has 2.6 already prepared.  If
the list does start moving quickly and you do not want to stall, send a
call out.  If I do not respond and someone else wishes to pick up 2.7,
that will be fine with me.  I can develop points about 2.7 later.  And I
will pick up some other section in the fall.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ruth Groff []
Sent: Monday, June 14, 1999 8:48 AM
Subject: BHA: logistics

Hi all,

I don't know about others, but Gary your time-frame sounds fine to me.

So: if Gary does 2.5, I've done 2.6 and Howard E.'s got 2.7, that means
need people for 2.8, 9 and 10.  

I'd like to suggest that we try to move a bit more quickly from here on
even if it means scaling back our expectations of the summarizer (which,
you all know, I think would be a good idea anyway), as otherwise we'll
be a
year and a half finishing up chapter 2!  What if we were to think in the
range of 2 or so weeks per section?

If people agree to this more focused pace, it would mean finishing
chapter 2
in Sept.  I found 2.8 very hard to understand, but I'm willing to model
minimal-expectations-for-summarizers that I've been pushing, and do 2.8
no one else wants it).  

This means we need takers for the last two sections.  Who wants 'em?


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