File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1999/bhaskar.9907, message 18

Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 15:04:00 +1000
Subject: Re: BHA: Re: Diffraction Post one

At 10:26 19/07/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Hans, Gary,
>I love study questions.
>I just wanted to say that the section that I did, the next one, is about
>ontological monovalence and all the illusions.  It's directly relevant to a
>bunch of Hans' questions (though do keep in mind that "relevant" hardly
>means brilliantly handled on my part).  If it weren't officially the next
>section, I'd just post it now in response to Hans as my 2 cents.  
>It seems to me like I should wait, but if now is when we're talking about
>the issues maybe I shouldn't be so hung up on form.  Any advice?
Hi Ruth.

I was going to post your section next week.  My third and final post is
today, if I can get a moment to send it. The students are pouring into my
office.  God help them I am their course coordinator.



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