File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1999/bhaskar.9907, message 37

Subject: BHA: test
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 17:21:19 EDT

Ruth has been good enough to forward recent posts to me (although I am a 
good week behind so this post from Colin is the most recent I have).  Anyway 
I wanted to send this as a test to see if I could by reply respond to the 
posts that have been forwarded.

So here's my small post as a test:  Colin, how does the day get from it's 
not raining to it's raining and back again?  Is there a moment where we must 
say either it's not raining and it is raining or it's neither raining or not 
raining?  I mean we don't just have one state and then the other.  We have 
to move from one to the other and analytical reason doesn't help us there, 
does it?

Just a test.


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