File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1999/bhaskar.9908, message 19

Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 11:58:56 +1000
Subject: Re: BHA: Notes for a reading group

>Charles: Wasn't this issue addressed by Lenin before Bhaskar in
_Materialism and Empirio-Criticism_ , as when he gives the example of
dinosaurs existing before there were humans to experience them ? His
terminology is that the material world is an objective reality.
>Charles Brown

Hi Charles,

Sometime we should go over Bhaskar's account of Marxist philosophy in an
appendix to Freedom and the Idea of Philosophy.   As for Lenin I hacked my
way through Empirio-Criticsm about a quarter of a century ago without a
great deal of understanding I'm afraid.  I am interested though in Lenin's
move from EC to the Philosophical Notebooks.  What intrigues me is the turn
to dialectics and Hegel in the late Lenin, and of course the famous remark
that Bukharin never understood dialectics.



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