File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1999/bhaskar.9908, message 20

Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 19:22:43 +0100
Subject: Re: BHA: Dialectizing

Amit <> writes
>The point is, again, that the distinction between natural and social
>structure makes us overlook these important things, such as roads.

I think this is really important. Perhaps this trap could be avoided if
we thought, as Amit suggests, along the lines of a material dimension to
social structure (defined as relations between positioned-practices),
comprising (off the top of my head) (a) the physical relations between
the individual people occupying the positions (b) the emergent relations
between non-human beings which have been effected by human beings
(between the components of a car, a computer, a building, a road, a
city, etc etc) and usually depend on their social activities for their
maintenance, and (c) the relations between those relations. Clearly, the
causal enabling and constraining powers of such structures vis a vis
people are enormous - far too important to be excluded from sociology!

I think BTW that this is very much in the spirit of the TMSA, or of the
social cube (one of whose four faces is material transactions with

Mervyn Hartwig
Editor, 'Alethia'
Newsletter of the International Association for Critical Realism
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United Kingdom
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