Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 20:22:06 Subject: BHA: cr vs methodolgy ? Dear Listers This is simply an attempt. There is a lot of optimism but also a lot of pessimism or doubt about CR. This is a time space factor. Secondary, the problem with CR realism, is trying to be critical of the world we live in now, in order to understand and grasp the world we are going to live in tomorrow. The first step seems to me has been to set, the structure through which tomorrow=92s world could be understood, explained but has also be acceptable in the academic world. That is not the case as of now. It is an upward struggle compared to Galielo and the church. CR VS METHODOLOGY. To explain the structure is near to an impossibility since any sort of explanation which comes up now has to tap on several real world events; the hole in the atmosphere; mad cow disease; toxic food, the economy which never worked; the drug addicts who become more addicted, a city which does not improve its inhabitants healthy, cars which we need but poison us; an inexact stock exchange which leads to speculation, a history which was not exact, the geography which never explained the world in totality etc. Now , let us assume a medical doctor proclaims smoking actually causes cancer, what will the tobacco industry say ; let us assume that magnetic fields do actually destroy human cells how will a mobile telephone manufacturer respond into such circumstance? A mobile phone might be a result of a past military war fare, a war fare which killed innocent children and women, the same phone which will kill old people in cancer but give jobs to a given hospital, the same phone which brings the money and jobs in a given location. Positivism does ground any argument on facts unless CR realist transcend positivism the stages taken are very short indeed. Positivism is psychologically grounded and set of mind which becomes a 'social fact' in human sociology, which make peoples history, in their technological development and norm lives. Are these not enough * distinguished identifiers * to show the up hill struggle all CRealist have to do battle with? One thing which will crop up in any CRealist face to face debates, will be who is that philosopher king who will explain the necessity of zero toxic emission in California without the will of the politics, law and economics plus human experience of toxic effects- this is a complicated issue however is not assailable. A battle ground between of concrete universality and concrete singularity. The world is fundamentally changing- any sort of analysis if positive or negative will be met with the same force unless there is a terrible effects of such events on human kind then CR can be hurried. Whenever Critical Realist meet they should learn not to say * sorry * if they are convinced that what they are saying has got substance. As of now CR realism lacks a forum of any heated debates and arguments based on real world convictions but it rather takes on an academic forum with all the caution which accompanies such a feel good entity something like that. The structure though is on ground i.e. the context in which CR realism works is well set, for the world itself can=92t be explained adequately with the existing knowledge. That too calls for practising academics outside rather than academics practice. it was just an attempt. |||||||||| |||| ||||| || ||| ||| |||||| Bwanika -Uganda Home Pages Ltd. (Uhpl) Tel: 256 ( 0 ) 41 250 240 --- from list ---
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