File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_1999/bhaskar.9908, message 9

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 23:53:27 EDT
Subject: BHA: Dialectizing

When Bhaskar dialectizes TMSA in 2.9 of DPF, he says (on page 158) that 
(social) structure may survive "(i) *without* any human agency, and even (i') 
despite any human agency" ... then goes on to mention three more modes of 
negative existence of social structure, all of which make sense to me. (i') 
also seems to make sense to me, socio-economic crises being the perfect 
exemplar.  However, i am not sure how to make sense of (i).  It seems to me 
that this is a type of reification.

How is it that reification is avoided?  

On page 159 he says "We cannot do everything at once or be aware of all the 
consequences of any one of our actions".  So is it that he is refering merely 
to unintended consequences and unacknowledged conditions of actions?  That we 
are bounded by unconscious motivations on one hand, and tacit sub-conscious 
on the other?  But in this case it is *not* "without human agency", but 
rather acknowledging the special characteristic form of human agency.

trying to understand,

Hans D.

Is it that Bhaskar is refering to

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