File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_2000/bhaskar.0012, message 17

Date:   Wed, 13 Dec 2000 16:00:16 +0100
Subject: Re: BHA: Literature query RB

Dear Hans,
When dealing with the four-planar social being encompassing the so called
'social cube' (a) plane of material transactions; b) plane of
inter-/intra-subjective [personal] relations; c) plane of social relations;
and d) plane of subjectivity of the agent, RB speaks about the social
process, in the TMSA as involving 1) unintended consequences; 2)
unacknowledged conditions; 3) unconscious motivation; and 4) tacit skills
(in Plato Etc. p 95, developing the scheme provided in Dialectic § 2.9 But
see further on the stratification of action and the stratified model of the
agent/subject, Dialectic 165 ff and Plato Etc 98 f). I think further he
mentions these concepts in SRHE, but they are all enumerated in Plato Etc p
Best regards
Pär Engholm

At 07:39 2000-12-13 -0700, you wrote:
>Where did Bhaskar write about the following four concepts:
>unintended consequences
>unacknowledged skills
>There are two more along these lines.  I think tacit
>knowledge is one but I am not sure.  What is the fourth?
>RB mentions these on several places but there is at least
>one place where he enumerates all four.  Where is this?
>Thank you for your help.  Even partial answers will
>be appreciated.
>Hans Ehrbar.
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Pär Engholm;
Uppsala University, Dept. of Sociology
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