Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 23:58:43 +0200 Subject: BHA: Hunger around the corner The Other Israel 95/96 has been sent. It was hard to produce it under the circumstances (the reporters being often active themselves in the things described). Soon, parts will appear on the website moderated by the American support group: . Now that even the last envelope has been put together, we go for a ten days' break, but not before sending you the following call. What started as a not-really-war situation has escalated into an old-fashioned siege, with bombardments, denial of work in Israel, locking people in tiny enclaves, and systematic uprooting of olive and orange trees and vines. Barak tries to force the Palestinians to their knees by letting them suffer economically and indeed medicine and food are increasingly scarce. While international intervention is being debated, the poorest among the Palestinians are already going hungry. What you can do right now is support the ad-hoc relief initiatives with your money. 1) Donations needed for an effective one-woman relief action 2) Donations needed for an important relief action of Haifa Arabs. 3) Buy Palestinian olive oil Now - so that they can buy floor. 1) Donations needed for an effective one-woman relief action ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hagar Kolman from Tivon in the Galilee is the initiator of a Kindergarten in the Jenin area. She found there a neglected corner - no UNWRA , no Authority had been doing there anything. In her hometown Tivon people know that she collects money, toys and clothes. However, in these days she has changed the focus: she is now bringing food to the families. "The children are greedy for a piece of bread" she tells. By sending her a check you can help her buy more. Hagar Kolman Keren Kayemet 66 Tivon 36082 Israel ph: +972-(0)4-9831157 / +972-(0)52-365426 *** 2) Donations needed for an important relief action of Haifa Arabs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haifa's Arab community is organizing shipments of food trucks to sieged Palestinian towns that need them. They send rice, flour, sugar, oil, tea, and whatever people report that they need the most. The shipment is done by volunteer truck owners. The only cost is the food itself. One truckload of food costs around 3,000 NIS. To send your donation, write a check payable to: hava'ad ha'amami shel arviyey Haifa Add a note indicating that the donation is for food trucks. Send to: Popular Committee of the Haifa Arabs c/o Haifa Social Development Assoc. P.O.Box 4454 Haifa A receipt will be sent by return mail within a few days. For more details: Anwar Gattar 050 609790 *** 3) Buy Palestinian olive oil Now - so that they can buy floor. Many Palestinian villages live on olive oil. Right now they have big stocks which can't be sold, and therefore they lack the money for other necessities. Keren Assaf, a young Tel-Aviv Peace Now activist, has taken the initiative of organizing a group which will go to villages in the Jenin area. You can buy through them for 300 NIS (about $75) a can of 17 liters of high-quality olive oil, but if you are too far from Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, or you don't need so much oil you may also just make a donation. Checks to Keren Assaf, 12-B Zeitlin St Tel-Aviv 64956 ph: +972-(0)54-688101 *** --- from list ---
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