File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_2000/bhaskar.0012, message 4

Subject: BHA: Palestine
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 12:56:30 -0000

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Hi all,

Perhaps Caroline, Tobin, Carroll and listers would like to visit the website
of the Movement for Socialism at where they will
find a communique from the Alternative Information Centre, a
Palestinian-Israeli group which promotes cooperation between Palestinians
and Israelis.  The communique analyses the historical dilemma now facing
Israel with the rise of the Intifada.



Hi all,
Perhaps Caroline, Tobin, Carroll and listers would like to visit the website of the Movement for Socialism at where they will find a communique from the Alternative Information Centre, a Palestinian-Israeli group which promotes cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis.  The communique analyses the historical dilemma now facing Israel with the rise of the Intifada.
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