File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_2002/bhaskar.0201, message 114

Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 16:21:41 -0500
From: Ruth Groff <>
Subject: BHA: alethic truth

Hi Dick,

You might find interesting, at least, an article that I wrote called "The Truth of the Matter: Roy Bhaskar's Critical Realism and the Concept of Alethic Truth."  It appeared in the journal Philosophy of Social Science, fall 2000.  There are many on the list who can give you an able defense of the concept of alethic truth; to the best of my knowledge, mine is the only detailed critique of it.  If you want to take a look at it and would like me to e-mail you a copy, I'd be glad to.  (Same goes for anyone else, of course.)

For what it's worth, in the first part of the paper I develop the line of questioning that you are putting forward here in your post. 


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