File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_2002/bhaskar.0204, message 43

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 03:28:06 -0400
Subject: BHA: Law, democracy & civility


I am relatively new in the world of science and social practice when it comes to the dispersion of law in western democracies. Does  American, European and International law  a preserve of the above named nations and her citizens or such laws do include natural justice to serve all humanity?

Why 'am asking this question in reference to artucle posted here recently, for better grasp of how law actually functions in scientifically.

I have tried to educate myself on events and conflict spots into this world through documentary films and books. More than often, I have discovered that the people in opposition, in conflict regions, more than often are subjected and have  seen unabated injustice meted on them in blunt violation of the international law. 

Now, what is even more worrying to me, may be should worry the western world,  is that fact that unless an issue in the  international community touches directly let us American and its interests, what is termed as international law will be dispensed different, that is to say those who do not fall, in the paradigmatic and acrimonious political conceptual flame work, are not taken by the same law to be valid and legally relevant under the same law.

What is the legal difference between Yugoslavia and Bosnia, Israeli and Palestine? 

I have seen documentaries evidence of people with legal registration certificates in refugee camps in Lebanon who were moved from their homes forceful very long time ago. I think I have that video tapes somewhere. Another documentary was of building confiscated in Jerusalem and legitimate owners with documentary evidence of ownership, banished from them! I have heard about the responses of the present owners in amazement.

I have also tried to understand the Cuba , American conflict and the nationlisation of America property on Cuba, which I do believe the US still lay claim upon, under the international laws!

I have seen the law being dispensed against Melsovic (sp) a one president, one would assume, as Sharon has a legitimate right to defend the Serbs from the Bosnian and the Kosovans, against his country put under the courts of law.

I have also seen proved graphic documentation of American occupation of vietnam and its consequence.

Now to Tobin,  in additional to recorded interviews I have heard over the years, in my effort to understand world politics and evolving human history, I have seen homes being forcibly confiscated from legal owners even without  compensation or legal redress, something which I do believe the Americans and European  have a reason to fight Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Idi Amin, and the NAZIs.

Why will  democratic Israeli state be above these legal structures where the legal structures seem to be applying the same values on less dispossessed people?

I have a book here which was distributed by the state , in its fight against racism depicting the atrocities against the Jewish people by Europeans with a terrible human tragedy. I ordered the book myself,
in order to learn from it. 

I have also accumulated material on the oppression of Africans and their struggles in the USA. I have also a wealth of literature in graphic , text and  audio form about the racist state in South Africa and it's demise and the on going underhand twisting by the same law abiding western powers. This one of the nuclea nation states in Africa developed to protect a small 
population is a sea of misery now fully under the political rule of the
oppresed overseing deadly weaponary the international community can't as of now do nothing about!

One thing which baffles me, is the manner in which the Palestinian question is being handled despite the presence of International law, documentary evidence and historical facts like documented home ownership etc.

And far more in total ignorance of human potential to self realisation in a highly technological world.

If bwanika killed a man trying to confiscate his property - how will the law be applied in case of bwanika (let us a state) and Sharon (also a state).

I do believe as more people do think about these matters of substance , Europe and the people's of America better come back to common sense. 

Violence is a mind disposition and indeed violence breeds violence but more so, the democratic west is doing itself punitive injustice and the innocent common men and women on streets might be heading for unforeseen and uncertain future.


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