File spoon-archives/bhaskar.archive/bhaskar_2002/bhaskar.0204, message 46

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 11:05:10 -0400
Subject: Re: BHA: Fwd: Open letter from American activists to European and

Hi all,

Yes, Mervyn, I see you are now onto me.  I have been lurking, mostly 
trying to get through a mountain of past emails.   Although I 
remember seeing the letter come across the Bhaskar list, I don't have 
it here.  It must be the one Ed Herman personally asked me to sign 
onto.   So, Carrol, as far as I know, there was no web site 
associated with and it was a one-shot deal.

However, try contacting Ed at Ed Herman <>

It feels good saying something here again.  But I'm swamped.


>Doug, are you lurking? You signed it, can you help?
>Otherwise Carrol try asking Lennart van der Linde
><> who forwarded it to a UK list where I picked it
>Carrol Cox <> writes
>>Is there a web site where this letter can be signed? Surely it isn't one
>>of those ghastly internet petitions in which one adds one's name and
>>sends it on. They become ghosts forever wandering in cyberspace. I never
>>sign them or fwd them. This is a superb letter.
>>Mervyn Hartwig wrote:
>>>    ------- Forwarded message follows -------
>>>  Mervyn
>>>  __________________________________________________
>>>  Support this call to action and forward this letter to as many people as
>>>  possible! We need all the help we can get to humanize our world!
>>>  Thanks and greetings,
>>>  Lennart van der Linde
>>>  >
>>>  >By many signatories (as of April 10, 2002)
>>>  >
>>      --- from list ---
>Mervyn Hartwig
>Editor, Journal of Critical Realism (incorporating 'Alethia')
>13 Spenser Road
>Herne Hill
>London SE24 ONS
>United Kingdom
>Tel: 020 7 737 2892
>Email: <>
>Subscription forms:
>There is another world, but it is in this one.
>Paul Eluard
>      --- from list ---

doug porpora, head
Department of Culture and Communication
Drexel University
Phila PA
(215) 895-2404

     --- from list ---


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