Subject: BHA: path dependence and critical realism Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 16:33:20 +0200 Hi Ruth and all, I am very happy that you found useful what I sent to you. As you asked, I am an economists and doing my PhD at Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Maybe I can kindly request some help from you : Does anyone know or familiar with any useful paper or book that makes a critical evaluation of path-dependence approach? I have read an article by Ben Fine (from SOAS) where he poses himself critical to "critical realism". One of his arguments against critical realist perspective is that Paul David's framework lacks realist interpretation and accepting his point makes one get closer to the mainstream interpretation. The paper is downloadable from the following address: Ben Fine, "Addressing the Critical and the Real in Critical Realism", Can anyone suggest me any readings for and against the 'path-dependence' idea in economics and political science? Thanks in advance, Altug (this is correct!) --- from list ---
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